View Full Version : Pulling the trigger from 3.8 to 4.x

Bulldog Stang
01-28-2012, 10:12 AM
I am really nervous about doing this as I know this is a big jump in upgrading, but here are my thoughts on how to do this ...

I am wanting to keep my site up and running while I do this, so I am wanting to basically make a copy of my site as it currently sits, and get all the bugs worked out while my site is moving along.

Here is what I am thinking .....

I have created a sub domain on my server. I have also made a copy of my current database through the "mysqldump" program and renamed it (NEW DATABASE). Once I did create the sub Domain, I called it (NEW NAME) and it placed a new folder called NEW NAME into the public_html folder. I am assuming that this is the folder that I need to copy my current FORUMS folder to. Once I do that, I am also assuming that in order to access that copy, I will have to go to www.mysite.com/public_html/NEWNAME/index.php (Am I correct in thinking that way???)

If I am able to access the above, then I will delete all of the old hacks and mods and prep the site for the upgrade. Once I do all of that, then I upload the new files into the same above folder (correct ?). I will then edit my config.php file to reflect the new backed up database that I have copied to the MYSQL database side (This way it won?t screw up the original database). Once that is done, I will go into the /install/upgrage.php file with the same path as above, and I will upgrade the site.

Once the upgrade is completed, we will get the site edited with colors and all that cool stuff ?.. Then, when we are ready to go live with the site, I will delete (or rename) the old FORUMS folder, which contains the main site and I will put the new site in its place. I will then also change the previously mentioned config.php file to be directed to the old database (Which will be current with recent post, etc ? ) and WHALAA, we have a live up and running site ???

Please let me know if my thinking is correct. I really do not want to screw anything up while doing this ?.

Bulldog Stang

01-28-2012, 04:26 PM
You are right in creating a test site and doing a test upgrade there first to work out the kinks and create a new style. But then you want to turn off your live site, upload the files for the site, point to the current database (that you have done a new backup of) and then run the install/upgrade.php script on the live (turned off) database. Then export/import your new style to the live site and any modifications and test it and turn it back on.

01-28-2012, 05:02 PM
My forum "owner" would prefer I not upgrade, but am waiting for the last release and then will test the 4.0.8 to 4.1.11 upgrade on a test directory and database. Test the mods that we have installed. If all goes well, then I'll just switch us over and without fanfare.

Bulldog Stang
01-31-2012, 07:04 AM

I have already created a sub-forum for my site and have copied the site over to the sub-forum. I have redirected the site to a copy of the current database (Mysql) that I backed up on the day I did all of this. I am in the process of removing all of the 3.8 mods and hacks and what not. All is working well (so far).

Once I am finished with removing the hacks and stuff, I am going to install the latest version of vBulletin onto the test site (the copied version) and get it up and running and all of the kinks and bugs worked out and a style that I like.

My question is this, once all of the above is done and I copy the "new" site back over to the "forums" directory, can I just redirect it to the database that my "live" site was running ???? Or do I have to re-install vBulletin again so that the database reflects the changes of the new vbulletin 4.xx??

I do not want to lose any of the post from the users or anything like that. This project is going to take about a month to complete, so I don't want to lose a months worth of traffic on the site.

Thanks a million for ya'lls input.


Bulldog Stang
02-01-2012, 07:31 AM
Anyone ????

Here is another question. If I were to install a fresh copy of the vBulletin to my subdomain using a totally new database:

What files from my original database do I need to copy over to my new database as far as making sure that I don't lose my users or their post ?? Is this even possible?

02-02-2012, 02:23 AM
IMHO: You're over-thinking the whole thing. Assuming there are no custom styles or modifications on your current site that aren't available in vb4, then just backup and upgrade.

Personally, I went a step farther and uninstalled all my vb3 mods as I figured they wouldn't work anyway. But forget all the stuff about a test site. When you go live you'll have bugs that just wouldn't have ever showed up on a test site anyway.

Bulldog Stang
02-05-2012, 08:51 AM
Ok. Next Question.

I have installed the Test Site using a copy of the Live Database. I have cleaned up that database dramatically. My Live site is still up and going.

I want to make the NEW site the live site. What tables from my OLD LIVE database do I have to copy over to the NEW database if I do not want to lose any of my newly registered members and all of the post since I began this journey??

Again, thanks a million for all the help. :-)