View Full Version : WYSIWYG-Editor

01-27-2012, 12:13 PM
Hi, where can I set the all the users WYSIWYG-Editor use.
The simple editor to Disable User ago.
It will only activate the WYSIWYG editor for all User


01-27-2012, 08:42 PM
Maintenance/Execute SQL Query
Automatic QueryHelpful, predefined queries for mass updating the settings of users and posts. Once a query is executed it can not be reversed.
this will make the editor for all the world by default

02-08-2012, 04:24 AM
For some reason, my board lost all editor functionality over the last day or so and I am unsure why. The toolbar that usually has fonts, font colors, smilies, and such has disappeared. I have tried modifying my options and such but I havent had any luck bringing the options back. Worst part is I don't know how it disappeared in the first place. Any help suggestions would be extremely helpful and appreciated!