View Full Version : vBa CMPS Security Flaw Discovered

01-27-2012, 02:17 AM

Earlier today we were informed of a security flaw in all versions of vBadvanced CMPS which could potentially allow a hacker to run a remote file on a server with vBa CMPS. Fortunately this exploit requires that your server has been PHP configured with "register_globals" enabled, and most hosting companies will not enable this since it is widely known to cause security issues. Regardless, we highly recommend that all customers upgrade to the versions of vBa CMPS that have just been released in the Members' Area here (v3.2.3 for vB3, or v4.1.3 for vB4) as soon as possible to prevent any potential damage resulting from the flaw being exploited.

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Did anyone have any trouble upgrading?
I ran the upgrade tool and upgraded to 4.1.3.
Unfortunately after uploading the files the front page just will not work!

So I had to re-upload the 4.1.2 files and the front page re-appeared again.
