View Full Version : Moderators Functions - Disable Signature Per User Plugins

01-25-2012, 11:00 PM

Sometimes we get some members who misuse the signature facility and violate forum rules. While vBulletin allows you to edit their signatures, it doesn't allow you to disable them. The following plugins will disable signatures per user.

I don't have proper knowledge to make a full product out of these plugins. Anyone is welcome to convert these plugins into a full vBulletin product.

The members signature occurs on two places in the site. The Forum threads and on their profile pages.

To Disable Signatures in Forum Threads :

Go to Admin Control Canel > Plugins and Products > Add New Plugin and put down the following.

Product : vbulletin

Hook Location : postbit_display_complete

Title : Thread signature remover

Plugin PHP Code :

if (in_array($post['userid'], array(1,2)))
$post['signature'] = false;

Plugin is Active : yes

Instead of 1,2 in the plugin add the userid's of the members whose signature you want to disable.


To Disable Signatures in Members Profile :

Go to Admin Control Canel > Plugins and Products > Add New Plugin and put down the following.

Product : vbulletin

Hook Location : member_profileblock_fetch_unwrapped

Title : Profile page signature remover

Plugin PHP Code :

if (in_array($prepared['userid'], array(1,2)))
$prepared['signature'] = false;

Plugin is Active : yes

Instead of 1,2 in the plugin add the userid's of the members whose signature you want to disable.


Hope that helps keep your forum clean. :)

01-26-2012, 04:28 PM
I made a product for this quite a while back for my site. Good to see it out in the wild. ;)

01-26-2012, 08:49 PM
i need this for vb 4.x.x

02-06-2012, 03:24 PM
Doesn't creating a usergroup that disallows signatures accomplish the same thing? Create a usergroup based off of whatever group you want to copy, but select no in usergroup manager under "can use signatures."

02-07-2012, 08:42 AM
Doesn't creating a usergroup that disallows signatures accomplish the same thing? Create a usergroup based off of whatever group you want to copy, but select no in usergroup manager under "can use signatures."

Then you will have to set that usergroup as the primary usergroup for that member. This can lead to other kinds of permission problems and is not always desirable.

02-27-2012, 05:37 PM
Works perfect on 3.8.4 PL2 :up:


02-29-2012, 10:54 AM
thanks a lot