View Full Version : VBCMS: iframe use in articles vs. static pages

01-25-2012, 10:41 PM
I am needing to use iframe to include a google map and google calendar in my VBCMS v4.1.10.

I am a vBulletin n00b, so I'm probably missing something...

The iframe html code will work when using "Static page", but the same code will not work in an "Article".

I can get it to show up when I surround it with (square bracket)CODE(square bracket) (square bracket)/CODE(square bracket), but only two lines tall.

Searching this forum I found a couple of mentions, but nothing has helped make it work in an "Article".

Has anyone else found this same issue? Has anyone found a solution to the problem?

An example of the google calendar iframe:

Here is the Static Page:

and here is the article page:

Any Recommendations?
