View Full Version : Template rebuild

01-24-2012, 02:24 PM
Just did an overhaul of our site...looking for critiques on what works and what may need to be improved.

Not all graphics have been customized but the main visuals have been completed.

We have 3 main style options: default, gamecocks-garnet, clemson-orange.

let us know your thoughts:


Masked Crusader
01-25-2012, 09:04 PM
Load time is a big one. It took about 20-30 seconds for the forum to load.

I would look into why it is so slow to load. The amount of graphics on your site or for your background/header could be the issue as it is with most forum sites.

It could also be a server issue. Maybe the server stats are just not powerful to run vBulletin optimally. Some hosts are great for custom sites but are horrid for forum software.