View Full Version : Restoring my forums

01-21-2012, 11:10 AM
Alright so we've had a problem and our forums directory was removed on our server.
There was no backup made and there's no option for a roll back.

If I reinstall vbulletin and use the same database information will all the posts/topics be in the newly installed vbulletin?

If not, is there such an option?

01-21-2012, 01:24 PM
Without any Backups at all I think 99% sure that its not doable at all Sorry.
Can you not speak with your hosts and check there is no data saved by them at all.

01-21-2012, 01:58 PM
Without any Backups at all I think 99% sure that its not doable at all Sorry.
Can you not speak with your hosts and check there is no data saved by them at all.


Did some reasearch, re-uploaded my forums on the same directory and it was fixed.

Only damaged things were the forum style and some modifications.

Thanks for helping though ^^