View Full Version : Forum and Category management (?)

01-20-2012, 01:52 PM

I do not know the name of what I am wanting to do but I will try to explain it clearly. My site has quite a few Categories and forums and I would like to bury all the forums with in the categories. So when you come to the site all you see is the Categories and you have to click each one which would expand or flip screens to show all the forums I have created with in each one. Does this make sense? Any help would be appreciated thanks in advance!

Just like this site does http://forum.rcwinnipeg.ca

Or is there a way that I can auto collapse all the categories by default and let the user determine which ones they want open?

01-20-2012, 05:36 PM
Check AdminCP > Settings > Options > Forum Listing Options - play with the top couple of settings.

01-21-2012, 01:56 AM
Thats exactly what I was looking for thank you.