View Full Version : Create Custom HTML as CMS Homepage?

01-17-2012, 10:13 PM
I got a question, and I'm not a programmer so this might be a stupid question, but is it possible to create my own custom HTML Page and then set it as my Homepage which then links to my forums, blogs, etc.., instead of the regular CMS Homepage? Basically I don't have any use for my CMS side as of now and would just like to create a fully custom homepage.


Dead Eddie
01-18-2012, 12:18 AM
Should be able to. Settings -> Options -> Content Management -> Default Page

Link it to a page with a static HTML content type.

(Haven't tried it, but no reason why it wouldn't work)

01-18-2012, 03:47 AM
OK, that makes sense. I created an HTML page and uploaded it to the site, but now I'm just getting an error when I go to the Homepage. I guess I'm not sure what to put as my Default Page. Where you need to enter the page it says:

"If a user visits your CMS site without specifying a page, they will view this page. It should consist of the page number, dash, then the seo url you assigned that page. For example: '1-home-page'. An incorrect value here can prevent CMS from functioning."

Since the page I uploaded is just named Homepage.htm, I just wrote in that Default Page box: Homepage.htm. I'm not sure if I'm doing that right, no idea what to do with the page number and dash it's asking for. Any ideas?

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Nevermind, I just figured it out. Being a newb to programming and coding I didn't realize that if I changed the name of the html file that I uploaded to index.html that it would automatically override the index.php file. So I changed the name of the file I created to index.html and now when I go to my homepage it shows my file. Sweet.

I've been searching for a couple hours on how to do this so and noticed a lot of other people with the same problem and no answers, so hopefully they come across this..