View Full Version : Why would YOU DO? Wordpress + Vbulletin ?

01-13-2012, 12:35 PM
Tired of not being able to customize the homepage as much as we can with Wordpress - I am thinking of just having my homepage Wordpress and then the rest of the entire site Vbulletin.

Each Wordpress post would post directly into a dedicated vbulletin forum section & the members will be linked up to leave comments on the homepage.

Basically wordpress is much faster than the vb cms and is much easier to arrange the widgets, graphics and different custom homepage themes.

Would this be wise to do, or should we continue to wait on vbulletin CMS to catch up?

Ive been a loyal VB customer since June 2008, wish there was more homepage grids for us...but theres absolutely none unless im looking in the wrong direction?


01-13-2012, 03:46 PM
You tried vbadvanced ?

01-13-2012, 09:14 PM
vbadvanced still extremely blocky...
