View Full Version : Miscellaneous Hacks - IP Address in Footer for vB 4

01-09-2012, 11:00 PM
IP Address in Footer for vB 4
Version 1.0.0
(By Boofo)

What does this product do?
This mod will add the viewing user's IP Address, OS version and Browser version after the copyright text in the footer template.

Version Information:
Version 1.0.0 --Initial release for vB 4

Installation Overview:
1 Product XML (1 Plugin and 4 Phrases)
2 Files (located in the upload/includes directory of this product ZIP file)

Installation Instructions:
1. Upload the files to the forums/includes directory on your site.

2. Go to your Admin CP
Scroll down to 'Plugin System'
Click 'Manage Products'
Click 'Add/Import Product'
Click the 'Browse' button, and locate the product-boofo_footer_ip.xml file on your computer


if ($mark_as_installed != 'clicked')
$you_get = 'squat';
$you_get = 'support';

01-10-2012, 07:56 PM
Installed and working

4.1.10 Beta 1

Very nice job, Boofo :)

Would be nice if it was about the site's time though ;)

01-10-2012, 08:10 PM
What do you mean "about the site's time"?

01-10-2012, 08:36 PM
awww, what happened to the dl?

01-10-2012, 08:43 PM
It's there. I forgot to add the version check and url links to the xml file.

No clicky install?

01-10-2012, 08:52 PM
Ah there it is :)
Awesome mod!

01-10-2012, 09:56 PM
marked but not installed yet

01-11-2012, 03:45 AM
What do you mean "about the site's time"?

If not above it as shown, than directly below it.

However... It's not really that important. I've been trying to figure out how to relocate a few things down there.

01-11-2012, 05:52 AM
Well, I had a choice between doing a template replace or using a hook. I chose the hook because that's how I have it on my site. You are more than welcome to do a manual template edit if you like. ;)

01-11-2012, 03:33 PM
Installed but doesn't show up on my custom templates. (Showed up in the default tho perfectly). What do I need to do (since this isn't a template edit) to add it to a custom style?

01-11-2012, 03:47 PM
You'll have to grab the code from the xml and enter it manually. Look at the default style and grab it from there and place it where you want it in he custom style.

01-11-2012, 04:11 PM
You'll have to grab the code from the xml and enter it manually. Look at the default style and grab it from there and place it where you want it in he custom style.

Thank you. I think that I'll hold off for now (not to sound like an idiot, but I'm not sure what part of the xml to copy into the template to achieve this and don't want to do it wrong). If the mod changes to a template change instead of hook, I will def reinstall! Great work tho, a mod that I think should be standard!


01-12-2012, 08:09 PM
Amazing love it! :)

01-20-2012, 08:32 PM
installed and rated

thank you bro

02-09-2012, 06:39 AM
Installed on 4.1.10 and working perfectly as expected.
Nice work Boofo thanks.

02-09-2012, 07:39 AM
CANT INSTALL GET THIS ERROR " The following dependencies were not met:
1.This product is not compatible with version 4.1.9 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 / Incompatible with 4.0.99 and greater)" ANY HELP???

02-09-2012, 08:01 AM
This mod has no dependencies set. No way you are getting that error from this mod, sorry.

03-12-2012, 06:02 AM
Marked and rated.
Thank you for sharing this.


07-16-2012, 02:32 AM
The last great mod Boofo made, voted & nominated.
Thank you buddy!

07-29-2012, 10:53 PM
Thanks Boofo. R.I.P.
Nominated as well.

07-29-2012, 11:36 PM
WHAT THE HELL! Rob died?
Holy crap! Sorry i had no idea!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to jump the thread but i just read the above and well im lost for words!!!!!!!
What happened can anyone share with me?
Damn Rob was a great guy too!!!!!

07-29-2012, 11:51 PM
WHAT THE HELL! Rob died?
Holy crap! Sorry i had no idea!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to jump the thread but i just read the above and well im lost for words!!!!!!!
What happened can anyone share with me?
Damn Rob was a great guy too!!!!!


07-25-2014, 09:21 PM
Thank you very much :)

03-12-2015, 05:51 PM
Small mod to support IPv6.


function isValidIPv4($addr) {
$octs = explode('.',$addr);
if (count($octs) != 4) return false;

foreach ($octs as $oct) {
if (!ctype_digit($oct)) return false;
$oct = intval($oct);
if ($oct < 0 || $oct > 255) return false;
return true;


To this in the includes/functions_boofo.php

function isValidIPv4($addr) {

return inet_pton($addr) !== false;

Techno Cowboy
04-16-2015, 03:09 AM
Installed....works great with vB 4.2.2 pl 4, also working well with vB 4.2.3 Beta 4! :)

Techno Cowboy
02-11-2017, 08:08 AM
I've had this mod for awhile now and it has worked great through various 4.x.x vB stages!

It's running now on 4.2.5 B1 with only one problem I found when switching to PHP 7...It kept logging in error log;

"PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Browser has a deprecated constructor in /home/xxxxx/public_html/includes/Browser.php on line 135 "

After searching the original author of the Browser PHP file, lead me to GitHub and a 2016 updated Browser PHP file...;)

More Info @ GitHub (https://github.com/cbschuld/Browser.php)

Downloaded & replaced old file and PHP Deprecated Error logging stop!

Mod is working well!
I have attached the newer Browser PHP file for those that still use this great mod and running it with vB 4.2.5 and PHP 7.

02-15-2017, 03:24 PM
I've had this mod for awhile now and it has worked great through various 4.x.x vB stages!
Mod is working well!
I have attached the newer Browser PHP file for those that still use this great mod and running it with vB 4.2.5 and PHP 7.

For clarity, I'm still running vBulletin 4.13pl8 and PHP Version 5.6.30, but can I sill use your version of Browser.php?

Thanks.. :)


Techno Cowboy
03-10-2017, 04:18 AM
For clarity, I'm still running vBulletin 4.13pl8 and PHP Version 5.6.30, but can I sill use your version of Browser.php?

Thanks.. :)


:confused: Don't see why not,the updated Browser.php was written after PHP 5.6 was release!

Also FYI if you were not aware;

As it is the final PHP 5 release (EOL), support for PHP 5.6 has been extended: active support will run for an additional four months, and the security fix period has been doubled from one to two year

More Info here @ PHP Net (http://php.net/supported-versions.php) ....;)

Many Blessings,

03-10-2017, 10:03 AM
:confused: Don't see why not,the updated Browser.php was written after PHP 5.6 was release!

Thanks .. :up:
