View Full Version : My Forum Statistics are not updating???

01-10-2012, 10:09 AM
On my forum page at the bottom, my forum statistics are not updating, I have had several new registrations, but these are not showing i.e. welcome to our newwest member is not updating as well as number of members/active members? anyone have any ideas how to fix this??

When I go to my admincp under users, and search for users I can search for all users or new registrations and all users come up same as when i go to registration statistics and do a search I can see there have been registrations, so I have no idea why they are not showing on my forum page

Any ideas how to fix this.

01-10-2012, 03:09 PM
They won't update immediately, as far as I'm concerned.

Take a look at your scheduled tasks.

01-10-2012, 03:38 PM
should they not update immediately on the actual forum page in the What's Going On Section under forum statistics.

I don't care about the stats in the admin cp section but if a new member registers should it not show immediately under, welcome to our newest member ..... ???