View Full Version : 3.8.7 to 4.1.9, Old tags?

01-07-2012, 09:40 PM
Hi all.

Im helping out a club upgrade from an old VB3 forum to a new VB4 one.
I have made a new style for the VB4 so the only thing left to convert will be the database.

In the VB3 install there are a couple of custom items.
One being a youtube embed. It adds in the tags at the click of a button.
My problem is what do i do with all these when i convert the db? They are not going to work as VB4 doesnt use the [youtube] tags but it uses [video]

My other problem is the smilies. These currently are [: )] etc so different in VB4. Again they are not going to work.

Any help people? I have got so far with this and these are the only things slowing it down at the moment.


01-09-2012, 07:31 PM
I thought this would have been a simple question asked alot!
Please advice if i have asked in the wrong place? I have used the search and nothing has come up.

01-10-2012, 02:40 AM
There isn't really an answer. The best thing to do is to upgrade a test site and then see what the real issues are. I think AME media may still be a mod (for your video tags) and I really don't see what the issue is regarding smilies. I mean, have you tried them in 4.1.9? They may be no problem at all.