View Full Version : Enabling quote within a quote

01-06-2012, 10:05 AM
In our forums, the quote function works fine. However, if you Quote a post already containing a quote, the original quote is missing.

Does vBulletin support quote within a quote? If so, how do we enable it?

Many thanks

01-06-2012, 09:14 PM
To the right of the "reply with quote" button is a "Multi-quote this message" button. You have to click the multi-quote button in the original post(s) and then click the "reply with quote" in the newest post.

Both or all of the posts will be in the message window in their entirety , so you'll have to edit anything in the original posts you don't want in your message.

I'm feeling like a part of the community now ;)

01-09-2012, 02:07 PM
Many thanks fmgrowit, that's great! I guess we should have spotted it ourselves, but grateful for your input.


01-09-2012, 03:05 PM
I have never liked the Multi Quote feature for vB.

So i used this great little mod, it's not for vB 4 but many use it and I can confirm it works on all vB 4 versions right up to 4.1.9
One is a product and one is a plugin
Install both, enjpy