View Full Version : Please review The Offwalk, General Discussion & Chat Forum

01-01-2012, 03:14 PM
Hello everyone,

Kindly review The Offwalk (http://www.offwalk.com) - Off topic, General Discussion and Chat Forum

Please give your valuable comments and suggestions.

Thanx in advance

01-02-2012, 08:45 PM
I like the general look of it, however, I think there could be several improvements:
Some forum categories could be put together in one (such as the Facebook and Twitter categories: could be put into a Social Network category)
Various text corrections could be made:
Forum title: "The OffWaLK Caffe" = "The Offwalk Caf?"
General: "Caffe`" = "Caf?"
Forum poll: "thne" = "than"
Forum poll: "then" = "than"
Logo: "Off" = "off"
More constancy in forum descriptions (ie: grammar, capital letters mid-sentence etc)
Less sub-forums could make the forum look neater
The various VIP/Gold/Platinum member only forum categories could be hidden to those who can't view them
The logo feels like it could be remade so that it stands out more
The top links "Register" and "Help" text colour could be made to be lighter
The postbit could be cleaned up a little - some of the text falls on two lines, which can make it look untidyI know it looks like a lot, but the little tweaks can make all the difference. I'm not trying to put you or your forum down by the amount of suggestions, by the way, either; people obviously like the forum :)

01-03-2012, 06:13 AM
Thank you very much for very nice preview, useful and required suggestion.

I will try to do the correction soon.

Thanx again.

More review please.

Thanx in advance

Edit: Many changes made as per your suggestion, couple of has to do which I am not able to do it (coding part) of Postbit :(

Kindly if possible visit again and give your comments for it.

I like the general look of it, however, I think there could be several improvements:
Some forum categories could be put together in one (such as the Facebook and Twitter categories: could be put into a Social Network category)
Various text corrections could be made:
Forum title: "The OffWaLK Caffe" = "The Offwalk Caf?"
General: "Caffe`" = "Caf?"
Forum poll: "thne" = "than"
Forum poll: "then" = "than"
Logo: "Off" = "off"
More constancy in forum descriptions (ie: grammar, capital letters mid-sentence etc)
Less sub-forums could make the forum look neater
The various VIP/Gold/Platinum member only forum categories could be hidden to those who can't view them
The logo feels like it could be remade so that it stands out more
The top links "Register" and "Help" text colour could be made to be lighter
The postbit could be cleaned up a little - some of the text falls on two lines, which can make it look untidyI know it looks like a lot, but the little tweaks can make all the difference. I'm not trying to put you or your forum down by the amount of suggestions, by the way, either; people obviously like the forum :)