View Full Version : Who's Online.....vertically?

Mike Gaidin
09-08-2001, 01:18 AM
I'm looking for a Who's Online feature for my main, non-vb page that is vertical rather than the typical horizontal.

Does anyone know how to do this?

09-08-2001, 02:02 AM
Try changing the , to <br> ?

09-08-2001, 05:44 AM
Didn't he say non-vb page? :confused:

09-08-2001, 05:54 AM
I assumed he was using something like tubedoggs whos online on a non-vb page hack (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=12010), in which case I believe he could just change the section:

$regmemberson .= ", ";

to say

$regmemberson .= "<br>";


09-08-2001, 06:07 AM
Oh ok. :)

Mike Gaidin
09-08-2001, 12:52 PM
I will try that again. Maybe I did something wrong the first time. Thanks.

12-14-2001, 08:07 PM
Anybody tell me why I can't acces this hack when I click on the link.. I'm a holder of 3 licenses and I think I've registrered everywhere that I'm supposed to... :confused:
Originally posted by Bane
I assumed he was using something like tubedoggs whos online on a non-vb page hack (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=12010), in which case I believe he could just change the section:

Steve Machol
12-14-2001, 08:20 PM
This is a residual affect from moving the threads from vbulletin.com to vbulletin.org. Simply replace the 'com' with 'org' and it should work.

12-14-2001, 08:20 PM
<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?threadid=12010" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showt...threadid=12010</a>

They moved everything from .com to .org and sometimes you see old threads with old urls, so when you next time see a url that you cant access change then vbulletin.com to vbulletin.org

12-14-2001, 08:28 PM
Thankyou... :)

Considering it's my first time posting here, I most certainly would never have known.. :D