View Full Version : Move to new Usergroup based on Rep?

12-30-2011, 03:49 PM
Hey. I've been searching but havn't found anything so I thought I'd ask.

I need a mod that moves a user to a new usergroup when they hit x amounts of rep.

For example:

They start in the usergroup Member, when they reach 100 reputation they automaticly get moved to usergroup Member2.

Does a mod like this exist?


12-30-2011, 04:01 PM
You can do this using a promotion. Go to Promotions under "Usergroups" in the adminCP and add a new promotion with strategy "Reputation".

Promotions are done by a scheduled task that runs once an hour and promots any users who have been active recently, so not all users who qualify will immediately appear in the new group. But if you want you can go to the Scheduled Task manager and press the "Run Now" button, and that should promote all users who qualify reagrdless of their last activity time.

12-30-2011, 04:14 PM
Alright, Thanks for the quick response!