View Full Version : Changing permissions policy

12-23-2011, 01:00 PM
We are about to integrate vBulletin with our main website. This website requires registration.

We have a problem in that vB's password-strength policy is more restrictive than the main site's password strength policy. Specifically, the main site allows any combination of password/username, but vBulletin is not allowing the password to be the same as the username. This means some users who are legitimately logged into the main site are locked out of the forums. What we want is for any user logged into the main site to be treated as legitimate by vB.

Basically, we want vBulletin to accept any username/password combination that we hand it. Is there any way we can do this - ideally turn vB password strength policies off?

Many thanks

12-23-2011, 01:22 PM
It looks to me like the only restrictions on password are that it can't contain the username and that it can't be one you've used during the "password history" period for that usergroup.

If you add this to the includes/config.php file:


it should disable the check for password the same as username. If you edit the "Registered Users" usergroup, you can set the Password History to 0 to disable the history check.

12-23-2011, 02:25 PM
That's very helpful, kh99, much appreciated.
