View Full Version : Tiered Forum List When Moving Threads

12-18-2011, 07:32 PM
For those with larger boards, or boards with many forums, when moving threads it's sometimes hard to scan through that long list which lacks any sort of proper formatting. I wrote up this little trick to basically indent sub-forums and basically make it easier to tell where the thread will be moved to. I hope this helps, and if it's been posted already or belongs somewhere else please let me know, I couldn't really find where it went.

Open includes/functions_threadmanage.php.

Find under function construct_move_forums_options:
$optiontitle = $forum[title];

Replace with:
$optiontitle = "";

$padding = count(explode(",", $forum[parentlist])) - 2;
while ($padding > 0)
$optiontitle .= "   ";

$optiontitle .= $forum[title];

This will create a formatted list, hopefully making it easier to move threads! Cheers!