View Full Version : Right align of Google Ads in Header2?

12-01-2011, 06:25 PM
I am using the default vBulletin advertising options in the CP to place a Google Ad in Header2 for people coming to the forum who are not registered.

My problem is, the header ad is showing left aligned, no matter what I have tried to enter in the code. I have tried span and float and it does not want to budge from left margin. Any ideas?

You can see the site here. (http://bonsainut.com/)

12-01-2011, 08:29 PM
Try this in your additional.css template:
#ad_global_header1 {
float: right; margin: -50px 30px 0;}
Modify to suite your needs.

12-01-2011, 11:54 PM
Lynne, as always you're a goddess :) It worked... MOSTLY.

There is something weird going on. The banner is nicely right aligned as long as my forum window is no wider than about 1400 pixels. If I widen the window any wider, suddenly the ad banner pops up so that it is almost hidden off the top of the screen.

My doc_width stylevar is set to "auto" so when I widen or narrow the window that the site is being displayed in, the entire site widens or narrows automatically.

How it looks up to approx 1400 pixels wide:


How it looks when I widen the window a little bit more:


The screenshots are from my front page (vBadvanced) but the header behaves exactly the same on ALL vBulletin pages - forumlist, threads, etc. The header does not gradually float up there, it "snaps" up once I hit a certain width (that I can't quite figure out).

I spent a little time measuring the window and it appears that the header pops up when the document width (including margins) is somewhere between 1510 and 1520.

12-02-2011, 03:21 AM
You need to make the style chooseable in order for me to see what is going on with the CSS.