View Full Version : Forum Leader page- how to have multiple pages?

11-22-2011, 12:20 AM
On the View Forum Leaders page or the showgroups page (the page that lists people in the groups that have this set to show them), how do you set or make it go to multiple pages when a certain number of people appear on the page? On mine it shows everything on one page which makes the scroll bar tiny and a pain to navigate.

I'm on 4.1.8.

Thanks for any/all help~!

11-22-2011, 12:27 AM
There is no built-in way. I think the only way would be to modify showgroups.php to support paging (or write a new php script). It probably wouldn't be very difficult to do if you know some php. There are examples of how to do paging like that in other vb scripts.