View Full Version : Please review BestSEOCommunity.com

11-21-2011, 04:22 PM
Hi All,

Please review http://bestseocommunity.com and let me know if i need to change or update anything.

Regards and Thanks in Advance.

11-23-2011, 04:17 PM
Some suggestions:

The Adsense ads on your site - you should center them... They look strange aligned to the left like that. Just place <center> tags around your adsense code.

You may also want to consolidate some of your forums. When forums are first starting off, they end up looking small since there aren't a lot of topics or posts... Consolidating some of your forums will eliminate that problem. Then you expand it after it grows a bit.

Maybe some customization via colors or a new skin might be good too, rather than the default template everyone is used to :)

Overall, cool idea for a forum.