View Full Version : database Migration... Users = Auto Banned

11-17-2011, 12:28 AM

I have recently re-installed my entire site. As there were massive errors and user issues. Anyway, I have installed fine, installed vbadvanced, and done a theme. However I need to get user database for my user working.

If any of my users visit the forum link, They simply get a banned mssg. Instantly. I go to banned users.. No one there....

I previously did the following;

I exported my table in a .sql file. Once I have backed-up my root folder and done a complete forum database export. I renamed the default "user" table to "user-bkup".

Then I imported the old "user" table from the old database.

What can I do to user table, operational again. There are 200 users, but I refuse to retype everyone details again...

Thanks for reading!


11-17-2011, 12:36 AM
I think if they get a "banned" message it could mean they don't have any permissions. Make sure your forum permissions are correct.

11-17-2011, 12:44 AM
hmm I will update and check on that.

UPDATE: When I check there details on user search. There details are just blank.. It is as if the details are not being read into the database. However my account works fine..

11-17-2011, 12:57 AM
Which fields are blank? Some of the user data is in the userfield and usertextfield tables.

11-17-2011, 01:04 AM
every text field is blank.

Imagine you selected, "add new user" that is the my view of this user. The bulletin points are in the standard position..

Could this be the way I imported the .sql file into the database?