View Full Version : where do i install vBSEO

11-16-2011, 07:09 PM
instructions say

"A. Upload ALL the files and folders within the 'upload' folder to your forum root folder.

CHMOD 777 the 'forum-root/vbseo_sitemap/data/' folder

im in my ftp but i can't find any folder called root >_<

11-16-2011, 07:22 PM
I think "forum root folder" and "forum-root" just mean whatever folder you have your forum installed in (i.e. the folder with forumdisplay.php).

11-16-2011, 07:28 PM
Thanks! I figured it out just now but wasn't sure because the


for my website does not work.
and still doesn't it takes me to a "Page Not Found (Error 404)"

( of course i change the domain to my website lol )