View Full Version : Feature to identify new users?

doc fluty
11-15-2011, 07:19 PM
On my forum, www.bootcamp4me.com/military-forum/forum.php , I have guests who are joining the air force, navy, marines, army or even active already...

Is there a way to have users when registering to be able to select a drop down box and select which branch or whatever that can be displayed on the forum under their username?

I would like to make this a required option to fill out.

I am running vb4.1.7, so if you know of any mods or how to get enable the feature I want I would be appreciative.

Thank You.

11-15-2011, 07:53 PM
You may create either a usergroup for them to join which then gives a rank image on their profile/postbit (you cannot force them to pick a usergroup though), or you could create a user profile field that is required where they select something and then you may write a plugin to show an image based on what that user profile field is set to.

doc fluty
12-23-2011, 08:03 AM
Your second suggestion worked, thank you!