View Full Version : How do I make a hidden section, BUT...

11-13-2011, 10:15 PM
I have had my forum up and going for years. I know how to make a private and/or passworded section that only certain groups can see and/or access.

What I am wanting to do is create a new section under my current "Off Topic" section. NO user group should be able to see it, but if they click a hidden link or just happen to know the full URL, they can access it.

I plan on placing an "X" somewhere on this site. I wont mention it to anyone, but once it's found and clicked on, it will take the user to this new hidden section.

Here is where it gets even more crazy.

Under this section (ONLY), I want EVERY user to be a Mod. They should be able to delete posts and threads. Edit them, as well.

I want this section as an experiment and for fun.

How do I go about this?

Please speak newb to me!

Thanks in advanced!

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I forgot to add...

The search should not bring up anything within this forum!

11-14-2011, 10:28 PM

11-15-2011, 04:14 AM
Set the Display Order to 0.

Set moderator permissions in Forum Permissions

Index New Post in Search Engine = No

11-15-2011, 05:36 AM
Thank you. :o)

Is there anyway possible to make it so that when someone is viewing the "online.php" page, the people on this secret page can not be seen there? Perhaps they do not show up at all or perhaps it just shows them in the Off Topic section?

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11-23-2011, 01:35 AM
Bump for help.

11-23-2011, 03:25 AM
Maybe this will do it. In includes/functions_online.php find line 128

if (($wol_thread["$threadid"]['isdeleted'] OR !$wol_thread["$threadid"]['visible']) AND !can_moderate($forumid))

and change it to

if (($wol_thread["$threadid"]['isdeleted'] OR !$wol_thread["$threadid"]['visible'] OR $forumid == '50') AND !can_moderate($forumid))

Where you see '50' put in your actual forumid. I'm not sure there should be quotes around it so try without quotes if it doesn't work.

I'll be away until early next week, I'll check back then.

EDIT: If this is a category I'm not sure the category forumid will work (I'm not sure this will work at all actually). If you have several forums put in

OR in_array($forumid, explode(',', '51,52,53'))

instead of

OR $forumid == '50'

11-24-2011, 06:53 AM
I don't know where to find "includes/functions_online.php". :(

12-03-2011, 12:20 AM
It's on your server. Open cPanel, expand the "forum" folder then the "includes" folder. If you ever edit the php files be sure you have preserved the original code so you can restore it if it doesn't work.