View Full Version : [CMS] Remove Article Title Hyperlink

11-12-2011, 11:36 PM
When creating an article or static page in the CMS, when displaying its preview in a section, the article's title automatically becomes a hyperlink to itself.

I have set it so articles display in their entirety in each section, and don't want a user to be able to navigate to the article's page. I've thought about just adding display:none; to the title's class, however obviously this does not stop the hyperlink HTML existing in the source code.

Is there something I can change (without much difficulty) to stop the titles becoming hyperlinks?

11-15-2011, 09:33 PM
<bump />

12-17-2011, 09:41 PM
I would like to do the same. Anyone have a solution for this?

12-20-2011, 05:27 PM
Evidently this isn't possible?

12-20-2011, 06:50 PM
Have you tried editing the template?

To find the template to modify, do this - vboptions > General Settings > Add Template Name in HTML Comments > set to Yes . Then go back to your page and view the source code and you will see the name of the template called around your part of the code. (Sometimes the template is the one mentioned at the very top of the page source.)