View Full Version : 4.1.6 forum hacked

10-24-2011, 05:14 PM
Hi all,

Recently my site yesterday was hacked on 4.1.6

I hadn't been keylogged or anything because my computer was in repair,

What happened was i was told there is a cookie exploit on 4.1.6 that allows users to gain access to the cpanel without the password. If this is true or not i aint sure but i would like you let you lot know.

Also another person said it was to do with the myphpadmin or mysql always being enabled or something.

I actually have no idea but aparently its a new exploit and i wanted to inform everyone here before they experience issues with there forums

Anyone could share some light on this issue and if its patched for 4.1.7 would help me a lot


10-25-2011, 06:24 AM
(As far as I know) If you have enabled html codes in the forum, then there is a risk of cookie exploit.

Hacker can include code in a reply/post, capture and send cookie data to a external server etc.

If so, re-install vb + restore from the last known good MySQL backup + change Admin password + Go to Admin Control panel ---> Forum & Moderators ---> Forum Manager ---> disable HTML.


Although the hacker cannot find the password, it is better to inform all other members to change the password immediately.

From vb FAQ,

Allow HTML Code in posts
This allows users to use HTML while posting. It is strongly recommended that you DO NOT turn this on as it can severely compromise security and/or severely mess up layout if users insert malformed HTML

Also, MySQL should always be running for the proper functionality of the site. It is back end storage medium :)

Hope it helps