View Full Version : How can I get my articles to work like this?

10-23-2011, 12:03 AM
Can anyone help me by letting me know how I can my articles on the front page to work like this?

10-23-2011, 01:26 AM
Work like that in what way? That isn't a vbulletin site. I just see an article on the left and some other stuff (like widgets) on the right. You can make a layout just like that and assign it to the section and have it look like that.

10-27-2011, 02:44 PM
Work like that in what way? That isn't a vbulletin site. I just see an article on the left and some other stuff (like widgets) on the right. You can make a layout just like that and assign it to the section and have it look like that.

My apologies as I was vague in what I was referencing to. I meant the comment system being used and I am aware that it is not Vbulletin but have since found that it is disqus which apparently somehow can be worked into vbulletin. Sorry again for being so vague.

10-27-2011, 05:02 PM
The vBulletin CMS allows you to comment on the articles. It does not 'indent' the comment if you reply to a specific one though. You would have to click the Quote button in order to show that you are replying to a specific post.

01-20-2012, 09:51 PM
hi Lynne..

I am new to the vbulletin and trying to understand some of the options in vbulletin while installing new mods.

As the previous post website URL(though it is not vbulletin website)


if we go to stats tab of the website,it show some statistics on the page..How can i do it in vbulletin..

I need a UI to input few columns and display them all or by using filters..

I am trying for this option/mods from past 2 weeks without success..can you help me whether it is possible in vbulletin or not

01-20-2012, 10:30 PM
A page like that would require custom coding.