View Full Version : Hide Hack

09-03-2001, 03:56 PM
Im Looking for a Hide Hack
like the on of UBB

Many ppl tells me there's no Hide Hack for the vBB :(

btw: i saw one for the vBB .. but it's Hidh the whole Post

i only want something like:

Text Hidden


Code will be replaced by Hide :)

Thx in Advence

(Sorry for my English, im French)

09-03-2001, 05:55 PM
<a href="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23500" target="_blank">http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showt...threadid=23500</a>

12-06-2001, 09:59 PM
ses cool

12-07-2001, 04:51 AM
First of all, i dont need the hack because i wrote one myself that works like a charm... i just wanted to compare...

this brings me to a general problem i encoutered several times..

Originally posted by FireFly

when i click this link.. it tells me:

logged in as: myusername
restricted blablabla...click this link if you are customer...

so i open my mail.. copy the customer id and pass...
(owned license)
and it brings me to a page where i can add people to access the forum... i add my own username.. save it etc...

and i click the link again...
no way.. it will let me download the last version of vbull... *lol*
but not access the page..


as to the hide hack... for 2.21 (my own) if anyone needs it....
(but i dont dare post it here)

12-07-2001, 05:15 AM
Change the .com to .org and it should work.

12-07-2001, 05:53 AM
THX found!!

ok.. i understand.. so i'm not posting it here...

but to add to the subject... its a very easy hack..
i use it as a teaser...
only unregistered users cant see the hidden text...
if they reply they can... but to reply they have to register ;)

12-07-2001, 06:18 AM
maybe I'm missing someting here, but what's wrong with a hide hack?

It's very useful on forums that deal with sports or tv or movies, for example. We call it "a spoiler" -- ie, if you post something that contains spoilers, you can hide those details and allow people to read a thread without reading details of upcoming TV episodes they haven't seen yet.

12-07-2001, 06:55 AM
i agree fully...
but as these hacks are used on warez sites... lots of people think they are bad.....

ok.. if lots of people want it... i'll up it...

Nobody??? he he.. that was close... ;)
offer closed !!!