View Full Version : how to move any new user with ICQ automatically to Panned Users Group

10-20-2011, 05:06 PM
how to move any new user with ICQ automatically to Panned Users Group

I have a problem with mail validation and my forum is still new so I chosed that as soon as any new guest fill the registration form will become directly a registered user, now I have a problem at my forum from the amount of spam users and spam threads they put
I noticed that all of them put an ICQ no. during the registration
So, Is there any way to move any new registered user with ICQ no. in his info into Panned Users Group automatically?
Notice : I have the Image Verification option on the registration form active

12-03-2011, 06:45 PM
I would like to do this as well. I have tried both image verification, and now question and answer, but the bots are still getting through.

12-04-2011, 09:28 PM
I had the same problem and its been greatly reduced since using the Glowhost Spam-O-Matic plugin. Check it out in the MODs...its not 100%, but its really close. I took the time to set it up with the suggested akismet and other api's.

12-05-2011, 02:52 AM
Image Verification aka captcha or recaptcha is obsolete due to it being cracked. Bots can now read the image and fill in the correct answer. Also some bots come in after a human sets up the account.
As for them getting past your question, perhaps it's too simple. A good question requires a little thought. At my place they better know thier anime or they're not getting in. Which they don't. It's been peaceful and quiet since I redid my question to target hard core anime fans.