View Full Version : Error in forums after installing Photopost Classifieds

10-20-2011, 12:37 PM
After installting VBGallery and PhotoPost Classifieds
I get the following error when trying to access the forums.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function fetch_galperms() in /home/content/u/s/j/usjeepsc/html/includes/vbgallery/forumhome_start.php on line 44

It worked fine after installing VBGallery, then after installing the classifieds I started getting this error.


10-20-2011, 02:24 PM
Neither of those modifications is from this site - and even if they were, you would need to post in the modification thread itself for help. You need to go to the site where you downloaded the modifications and ask for help there.

(There error seems to be saying you are missing a file, you may may want to reinstall that mod.)

10-20-2011, 03:33 PM
The error is in the forums, not the mod. I'm sure the mod install had something to do with it since this error only occuired after the classifieds were installed, but photopost says they don't touch the forums, so IDK.

I can't find that term "galperms" anywhere and was just looking for a hint.

10-20-2011, 04:10 PM
The error is right here:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function fetch_galperms() in /home/content/u/s/j/usjeepsc/html/includes/vbgallery/forumhome_start.php on line 44

That is not a default vbulletin file that is causing the issue. It is a modification file. Your problem is with vbgallery.