View Full Version : Site Meter

10-11-2011, 07:15 PM
How do I add Site Meter to my forum?

Here's Site Meter Regular HTML:

<!-- Site Meter -->
<a href="http://s12.sitemeter.com/stats.asp?site=s12MissionaryTalk" target="_top">
<img src="http://s12.sitemeter.com/meter.asp?site=s12MissionaryTalk" alt="Site Meter" border="0"/></a>
<!-- Copyright (c)2009 Site Meter -->

Is this all I need? Is this correct? If so, where do I put it to have Site Meter work?

Thank you.

10-11-2011, 07:40 PM
If that's the html they said to insert, then that's all you need. You just need to identify which template to edit to have it show up where you want it. If you need to you can go to the adminCP, Settings -> Options -> General Settings -> Add Template Name in HTML Comments and set it to "Yes", then view the page source and see which template produces the section you're interested in (turn the option off when you're done).