View Full Version : alarming increase in database size

10-09-2011, 12:25 PM

I'm using vb for a few years now, in march 2011 we upgraded from vb3 to vb4 and everything runs fine.

however, today I checked our backupserver which runs unmonitored most of the time, database backups are uploaded automated on a daily base, full data backups once in a week.

I just noticed a weird increase in database backup size on a certain date, and I'm a bit worried where this comes from.

Right now, we're running vb4.1.3 on a separate root server, singlecore 512mb ram.
our forum has ~8.700 topics, ~150.000 posts and ~3.000 registered users, where ~50 are active on a daily basis.

What worries me is, that for four months straight, our database backup size (basically: dropped table, packed in tar.gz) has been 64MB of size. We don't keep albums, attachments or anything like this in the database, so it's only raw text tables like posts etc.
Over 10 days or so, our backupserver went down and we haven't got any backups from this time frame. This was 19.7.
Right on 29.7. when the backupserver went back up, the following backup was 108MB of size and still is since 3 months.

So basically, the database backup size (raw text packed) increased from 64MB to 108MB somewhere between 10 days.

The table size says this:

Does this look usual/healthy to you? Do you have an idea where I should begin looking?