View Full Version : Where to paste Comm100 Live Chat codes?

09-27-2011, 08:22 PM
Hello VBers!

I am willing to have a live support system on my website using Comm100 service (free&open source.) It is a hosted service which means that I don't have to install anything on my server. However, they require you to paste their HTML tags with JavaScript codes in your page. So here are my question and concern:
-Where do we paste the codes so that they appear on the Home Page or Forum Home Page?
-Do you think it is safe to past those codes anyway? I mean, is there any harm/negative effect that such a hosted service may cause on my website?

Down here is a screenshot that points to what I am saying:


I appreciate your help,

09-28-2011, 12:54 PM
If you go to the options in the adminCP and turn on "Add Template Name in HTML Comments" (under General Settings). Then go to the page you want to add the code to, and view the HTML source. You should be able to figure out what template to edit by looking at the comments (it might be the one at the very top). Turn off the option when you're done.

I think whether it's safe or not has to do with whether or not you trust the Comm100 site.

09-28-2011, 01:41 PM
Thank you kh99. I was able to see where the Add Template Name in HTML Comments option is.
However, I am not sure which template that stands for the top of the home page for the forum to choose. Can you tell me what template I would need to choose?