View Full Version : e-card

09-01-2001, 09:02 PM
How about this for a hack, when its someones birthday, the Vb automatically sends them a E-card, which can be designed by you, and automatically inserts their name? so you could have a premade ecard and when its the birthday the Vb sends it to them

09-03-2001, 04:37 PM
i would like to activate this feature, i dont know how to make programes run automaticly every day, so this would have to be made say if your board had even 1 visitor day it will send them, if it dosen't then your peoples birthdays wont get sent cards, i will be able to create this if some tell me how i would add a varibale to mysql data base say $sendecards


09-03-2001, 08:40 PM
Ok, i think im gonna try this, coz i think it will give a board that little bit more friendlieness, and it will mean people won't forget your board.

09-03-2001, 09:31 PM
ok this is how i think it could work

if you can create a table say ecards or anything (even have it as a members profile)
then in index.php have it check this table for $date if $date = $date then don't do anything but if it dosen't then send e-mails to people in the birthday list (thats an easy part). all i need is how to create a table, then its the matter of creating the cards

i need help! just how di i create the table someone please give me the code. you could even make this script to check if user is male or female and if not send a uni sex card!

help jamie

09-06-2001, 11:37 PM
i have created a beta script which emails a standard msg to every one whos b-day it is, then sends you an email saying how many has been sent (might get annoying). i would like to elabarate on this script, as it has huge potential with logs and different msgs and stuff, if you want the beta version than post here, i will put it up

this script releys on at least one person visiting you index.php once a day!


Steve Machol
09-06-2001, 11:58 PM

You have been asked at least twice previously to enter your license info into your user profile. Please do so. Thank you.

09-07-2001, 12:00 AM
i am having problems getting my costumer number as a friend of mine registered for me, im trying to get him but he is on a bussines trip for a month and a half! sorry will enter it when he gets back

09-07-2001, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by bargie
i have created a beta script which emails a standard msg to every one whos b-day it is, then sends you an email saying how many has been sent (might get annoying). i would like to elabarate on this script, as it has huge potential with logs and different msgs and stuff, if you want the beta version than post here, i will put it up

this script releys on at least one person visiting you index.php once a day!


Sweet, could you post it please? i can test this out on my test board.