View Full Version : Alternative to Gravity Insights?

09-22-2011, 07:00 AM
I'm looking for a plugin that reports and records thread/post activity at a per-subforum level. I'd like to compare month to month historic stats.

If forum activity is up by 1000 threads this month, I want to know which sections did the majority of the growth. Any stats plugins doing that currently?

Some things look attractive about Gravity Insights. The stuff in February where multiple sites went down as a result of an issue at Gravity Insights was not attractive, and neither was the reports of performance impact from some of their users.

I don't need the real time stats they offer either, only weekly or monthly summaries really. Any options here?

09-22-2011, 07:13 AM
We are using piwik: http://piwik.org/

09-22-2011, 07:54 AM
What can be done with that tool that can't be done with Google Analytics?

09-23-2011, 09:28 PM
We are using piwik: http://piwik.org/

Thanks, but Piwik is a Google Analytics alternative. I am happy with Google Analytics. Piwik doesn't handle forum stats, like number of threads, replies, and that sort of data.

What can be done with that tool that can't be done with Google Analytics?

Gravity Insights gives you statistics like the number of threads per forum. If I get 3000 threads a month, then next month I get 2500 threads, I need analytics that tells me where I lost those 500 threads. Did all my sections become less active? Or did a couple subforums become less active?

Google Analytics is pretty good about telling me what my visitors are doing, but if I'm getting millions of pageviews a month, it is very hard to know what my MEMBERS are doing. A tool like Gravity Insights tells me information about my number of threads and posts on a monthly historical basis, as well as in what sections of my site. That is stuff I can't get from Google Analytics... Or any other tool I know of for vbulletin.