View Full Version : WHMCS & vBLink 2.2

09-21-2011, 03:33 AM
Hi All,

Has anyone had success with tieing vBulletin to WHMCS using: http://www.boardoo.com/cp/announcements/85/vblink-222-andand-forum-integration-suite-for-vbulletin-3-andampand-4-released.html

Looking for reviews... I need stability and security, hoping this is the answer to tie 2 powerful tools together.



09-23-2011, 10:37 PM

12-30-2011, 08:11 PM
I'm looking for the same thing, anyone have any suggestions?

Christos Teriakis
12-31-2011, 06:40 AM
You've 2 choices:

To pay $139 and get the Developer version which is not encoded, ...or...
To pay $89 for the encoded version, and start praying everyday the owner's server to be up, otherwise your system will halts.Just try a search for "boardoo" in whmcs.com forums and you'll find many usefull reviews for this guy. In the summer his site was down for 2 full months, so all users had to deactivate this plugin to be able to bring their site up, on October the site was down for 15+ days etc. I don't need to say more. As I said, you can read them in details in the forums.

Just keep in mind that even the unencoded version has license check. So in case that his site is down, your plugin will stop working. The only good point is that with a bit coding knowledge, you can find the part of code which has the license check, and remove it.

Good luck

08-09-2013, 04:22 PM
You've 2 choices:

To pay $139 and get the Developer version which is not encoded, ...or...
To pay $89 for the encoded version, and start praying everyday the owner's server to be up, otherwise your system will halts.Just try a search for "boardoo" in whmcs.com forums and you'll find many usefull reviews for this guy. In the summer his site was down for 2 full months, so all users had to deactivate this plugin to be able to bring their site up, on October the site was down for 15+ days etc. I don't need to say more. As I said, you can read them in details in the forums.

Just keep in mind that even the unencoded version has license check. So in case that his site is down, your plugin will stop working. The only good point is that with a bit coding knowledge, you can find the part of code which has the license check, and remove it.

Good luck

ANYONE wants "SHARE" this addon ?!
I ve tried to buy but site/sale again "STILL" down ! :D
I am able to remove the license check :p