View Full Version : HTML nightmare when editing Articles

09-17-2011, 08:02 PM

Wondering if anyone knows what the deal is with this: So I'm writing an Article then click SAVE or APPLY, then if I click Back in my browser, the article becomes all scrambled in what looks like HTML format. If I go Forward then Back again, more symbols show up and the article is spaced further apart as if it's double spaced. I'm pretty sure I haven't screwed around with the Default settings or anything.

I don't remember this happening before. I used to be able to just go back and edit as if it's a Word file, but now everything is in HTML form.

On the side panel of the Article settings, in the HTML setting it's at HTML On - Convert Linebreaks. This is the default I think? I don't remember messing with this. I played around with this setting and that doesn't seem to have any affect so maybe that's not the issue?

Oh, could me being on a slow connection cause this? I'm using my iPhone's 3G (tethering) so maybe this is a problem...though I don't see how. Any insight would be great!
