View Full Version : Image alignment issue in CMS?

09-15-2011, 10:39 AM
Hi all
I have double clicked on all these images in the advanced editor and selected "center". In the WYSI(Almost)WYG, they all appear in the center.
Looking at the simple editor the code all seems identical for each image (not sure what magic is used to store the alignment selected in the advanced editor). They are all added in exactly the same way in one batch.
I cannot for the life of me get them to all appear in the center.

Any hints?

I haven't as yet tried to remove and replace - I thought I should seek help first in case this is a bug that needs reporting (I can't get to vbulletin.com to check).


09-15-2011, 03:48 PM
if you look at the page source, you can see some of the images are inside other divs, and the others are not. The ones inside over divs appear to link to other images and those are centered. The ones that don't link, are not centered. So, there is something different about what you have done to the images in your article code. Have you made some full size and others just small or medium?

Digital Jedi
09-15-2011, 05:16 PM
Just to add to that, the images you have that are linked to the lightbox are inside a DIV with the class img_align_center, so the DIV is centering properly. The images themselves have the class align_center, but that in of itself doesn't seem to do anything. It doesn't explain why that's happening, but if you lightbox the remaining images you should get the centering you wanted.

09-15-2011, 07:43 PM
As far as I remember, I added all the images in one go and moved them around to the place in the text and selected center on each image. I think I also selected left or right on the ones that weren't centered and then put them back to center to see if that fixed it (didn't help).

Not sure what you mean about a lightbox sorry. Please can you explain a little?

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Ah the lightbox is the popup thing with picture browse left/right yeah?

How would I "lightbox" them ?

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I now see what you mean about the lightbox - some of them can be clicked to get them to do the lightbox thing - some of them can't.

I have no idea how to make them behave one way or the other.

I just test added an image:
1) switch to advanced editor
2) click the image button
3) add file from pc
4) it appears in the wysiwyg on the left
5) double click and press center
6) it appears in the center in the wysiwyg
7) save article.

Looking at the article page it's still on the left. Not center.

I now have no idea how I made the other ones centered. :o

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If I then go back to the simple/code editor and put center tags around the attachment, it centers fine. I haven't saved that change yet though.

I'm using FFox btw.

Digital Jedi
09-15-2011, 08:46 PM
I've never had much luck getting consistency out of any WYSIWYG editor, from any forum/CMS software. I'd recommend sticking to the simple or HTML editor when formatting is important, as long as it's doing what you ask it to.

09-15-2011, 09:06 PM
I think that's the most sensible advice I've ever seen on the interwebs.
The only reason I was using the advanced mode was because I thought the "upload from pc" option didn't work in the simple mode, but it looks like that has been fixed in some version since I first tried. yay :)