View Full Version : the forum could not working after I Installed Varnish

09-13-2011, 05:25 PM

I installed Varnish web acceleration on my dedicated server and everything is going great,
when I open forum the homepage it working well, but I cant open the forumdisplay page or any threat....
I got HTTP Error 503 (Service Unavailable): The server is currently unable to handle the request. This code indicates this is a temporary condition, and the server will be up again after a delay. error

the default port was changed from 80 to 82, I edited the file /include/class_core.php find on line 2003
// Get server port
$port = intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']);
$port = in_array($port, array(80, 443)) ? '' : ':' . $port;
I insert 82 port

the forum work fine when I add 82 port to the domain (www.example.com:82/forum) otherwise did not work at all

the admincp work fine ....

what's the wrong or is there anything else I've to do ..!!


09-15-2011, 09:15 PM
where's vBulletin developers?

09-16-2011, 09:58 AM
I severly doubt the vBulletin developers are going to help you with varnish, that is a technical performance decision which has nothing to do with the vbulletin software itself.

Anyway, here are some links concerning varnish and vb4:

As a fair warning though: Varnsih configuration is a +++++ for a vbulletin board, since varnish does not know or care about whether the user is logged in or not. So you might end up showing your guests internal forums if you messed up your varnish rules. Or an issue we had, varnish doesn't care about whether your guest is a) a human non member, b) a member who just logged out or c) a searchbot.
Unfortunately vbulletin does care. b) and c) do not have a register button in their forumview, so if varnish uses their view as cache base neither will your guests have one.

Concerning your error i do not have an idea. Sorry.

09-20-2011, 05:41 PM
This is a varnish issue, you should try to use their support forum.