View Full Version : can I limit the width of album images? sometimes people post huge images and it looks

09-12-2011, 05:23 AM
can I limit the width of album images?? sometimes people post huge images and it looks disturbing.
Please let me know the way!
I wish there is an option that says click here to see the images in "full size" than it displays the original size..

Fergal C
09-13-2011, 07:03 PM
I believe max Album image sizes can be set in: ACP > Attachments > Attachment Manager

Something else you could do is set album images for moderation and then only approve the ones that meet your guidelines.

ACP > Settings > Options > User Profile: Album Options > Picture Moderation > Yes

09-13-2011, 10:48 PM
can I limit the width of album images?? sometimes people post huge images and it looks disturbing.
Please let me know the way!
I wish there is an option that says click here to see the images in "full size" than it displays the original size..

Yes it is in Usergroups:

Admincp--->Usergroups--->Usergroup Manager--->Registered Users (or whatever)--->User Album Permissions

You can set the maximum height and width for the albums there. ;)