View Full Version : focus on cms article content..i thought is would be easy to do...

09-11-2011, 08:11 PM
in my cms homepage layout i have a widget (pics slider) on top of the main content (the articles preview).. now i would like to do either:

1) as i open the single article page the widget disappears leaving so the user can focus on the article


2) since i couldn't find a way to do that, i'd like at least to link the article preview (as an anchor) directly to the title of the full article (so again the user can 'jump' directly to the article)...

i wasn't able to do that... maybe i'm just tired but... can anyone help me with ore issue or another?

thanks for your support

09-11-2011, 09:35 PM
Use two sections.

First one has a layout with slider.
Second one has a layout without slider.

First one is parent to the second one and shows articles from all subsections. Then move all your articles to the second section.

09-13-2011, 11:59 AM
thank you,
it's exactly what i wanted.. beside it fixes another problem: if someone can publish in the sub section but cannot in the parent, then the same user can't edit the subsection, only the articles in it.. (au contraire if someone can publish in a parent section the section itself is editable.. smart feature i think...)

so thank you twice!