View Full Version : MaskedCrusader.com -- New Design + Frontpage

Masked Crusader
09-09-2011, 11:13 PM
<a href="http://www.maskedcrusader.com" target="_blank">http://www.maskedcrusader.com</a>

Hey all.

Just wanted to get some feedback on our new design and the introduction of our new front page. There just used to a be forum when you visited, but things have expanded a lot since my last review!



09-10-2011, 02:10 AM
Not sure how to describe this, but something is off with regard to the major category (h2) font color and the subsequent forum link color.

Blue links stick out more than grey links? Perhaps some small icon near the h2 categories would do.

09-10-2011, 06:27 PM
You need to get some more images in there, maybe pulling avatars with recent threads or something? Also, why not add some color in their other than gray?

Digging the homepage, but definitely needs some color, and those top posted - i understand you wanted that to stick out but that gray makes the graytone on your website even more repetitive. Why not get creative and use custom css in some modules? They don't ALL need to be the exact same color as the rest of your website's css. That's the point of customizing your html ;p