View Full Version : Admin changed something, site unusable to Firefox users

09-04-2011, 01:00 PM
A fellow site administrator tried to be helpful a couple weeks ago and a long story short, the site is unusable to many people, including all that use Firefox. Before you suggest going to a backup or something, just keep in mind that wouldn't be feasible at this point. I have reuploaded all the vBulletin files (minus the custom/theme files) without luck.

Here are some of the things that are messed up.

These characters show at the top of every page for Firefox visitors.


The login screen and other screens in this format look messed up...


The post and reply screens are completely unusable. The message field does not show and well ... the picture is self explanatory.


This has drove myself as well as members of my community quite insane, except for those of us who use Chrome or other browsers. I'm unsure what to do to resolve this and I'm open to your suggestions. I fear I may have to wipe everything and start fresh, and if that's the case, your suggestions on how to proceed are appreciated.

Thank you!

Max Taxable
09-04-2011, 02:02 PM
I have the latest firefox browser. I would check this for you if I knew the URL.

09-04-2011, 03:15 PM
Those little characters will cause lots of problems. They mean that somebody edited a file not using a plain text editor. If they show at the top of every page, then my guess is it was the config.php file that was edited incorrectly. So, go create a new config.php file using a plain text editor (notepad ++, bbedit, etc) and reupload it in place of the existing one (keep a copy of the existing one since it has the database information in it). Then see if some of your problems go away.

09-07-2011, 05:56 PM
I thought that solution sounded crazy, but who would have guessed an improperly edited config.php would have caused so much trouble? Indeed, the problem is fixed. Thank you! Looks like an admin with FTP access decided to do some "maintenance" without letting me know, causing this issue in the first place. :P