View Full Version : Whistleblower forum/support forum mod?

08-21-2011, 01:53 AM
I need some help. I run a forum for technical theatre, and we had a person come onto the site, ask some questions about some safety related issues at the user's place of employment, and we advised him that what was going on wasn't safe and that they should say something, here are the recommendations and rules of the governing authorities over this type of issue... etc.

Basically, they got in trouble today over the thread, and was almost fired. However, they want to keep posting, and getting advice from our site.

What I am looking for is a type of support forum mod, that I can work into a mod for a whistleblower forum on my site.

Basically, I am trying to find a mod that lets the Original Poster (OP) make a thread, and have it only visible to the OP and usergroups that I define.

It sounds like how a support forum might work, and I have this idea in the back of my head that I've seen something like this before, I just can't seem to track it down. Does anybody have any idea of what Mod could do this?

I'm running vB 4.0.x


08-21-2011, 02:24 AM
You can already define what usergroups "Can View Others' Threads" in the Forum Permissions.

08-21-2011, 02:32 AM
Oh man, I forgot about that setting. Thank you very much!