View Full Version : Guests need to click through to respond to thread

08-17-2011, 09:08 PM
I have my site set so guests can post and reply to threads.

My site is geared toward an avarage internet middle age user

In my logs I have noticed a high number of guests click respond, and then abandon the "Reply" page.

I set up an experment. I took 5 people who can use the internet but aren't computer savvy. Picture the way most grandmothers use the computer.

I presented these five people with a thread page and asked them make a one sentence response. They were given a time limit of 120 seconds...I told them i would not help them respond. and then kept my mouth shut.

The results were dismal...
All found the "Post Reply" button.
All were confused when taken to a different page.
Some clicked back thinking they made a mistake
4 asked me if they were still responding to the thread ( I kept my mouth shut)
One figured it out after scrolling down ( only reply box is above the fold)

Out of the 5 testers only one managed a response in under 120 seconds.

I choose 120 seconds so they would have leeway. Outside a test environment Im sure must would have clicked away after a few seconds.

The biggest issue was being taken to a different page.

There has to be a fix for this. wordpress,joomla, etc all have the capability of not needing to click to a second page

08-17-2011, 09:34 PM
Have you enabled quick reply and quick edit in admincp->options->message posting & editing options?

That keeps the reply on the same page. (or should)

08-18-2011, 12:15 AM
Have you enabled quick reply and quick edit in admincp->options->message posting & editing options?

That keeps the reply on the same page. (or should)

Correct me if im wrong, but i believe that only applies to logged in users