View Full Version : I have sat on my hands long enough

08-15-2011, 11:46 AM
I'm sorry about this. Most of you know if I was any more laid back I'd be in a coma.
But I just have to speak my piece and be done with it.

When you come in and ask for help use a title to your thread that has something to do with the problem or question you have. URGENT!!! NEED HELP!!! just ain't going to cut it. Most, me included blow by those and come back, maybe, later on.

Render as much information as possible about your forum.
Version with patch levels
Classic or Suite
Default theme or custom (Did you make it or upload it)
Mods installed (By name. We can look them up if need be.)
Is it a TEST or LIVE forum? (If it's a live forum, then post a link to it.)( Me personally I'm proud as a peacock about my train-wrecks. I want every one to see them)
Now let me stop here and talk about something connected to that statement. If it's an adult site all you have to do is say so. Don't ignore a request for a link.

Be as clear as you can about what is going on. Not "It went blewy". Doesn't help.
Did you edit a css or a template?
Did you install a mod?
Did you add some 3rd party software other than a mod?
That's just a small cross-section of what we need to help you out.

Don't be rude or snippy to any of the responders. We don't have to do this. We're unpaid volunteers. Get snippy with them and expect to get left hanging.
Come back and say thank you. A lot of people don't bother. We remember that, trust me.

Finally: There are no stupid questions. Only the ones that don't get asked...

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And IMHO 90% of the issues with VB are not the core software but the loose nut between the chair and the keyboard.