View Full Version : Help w/ Profile Fields & Posbits.

08-13-2011, 06:03 PM
I run a gaming forum & I want the members to be able to choose what game they play from their "Edit Your Details" page and a picture (75x75) show up in their post bit.

I created a Multiple-Menu Selection Profile Field (Field6) which has 4 different options in it, Halo Player, GoW Player, CoD Player & StarCraft II Player. I have no idea what to put into my post bit legacy code to make my idea work.

Can anyone help me out?

08-14-2011, 09:27 PM
It is extremely difficult to explain how the multi-selection options work, especially to someone without a coding background. You'd be far better off to make 4 separate Yes/No radio buttons... then in postbit you's just add a line like:

<if condition="$post[field5] == 'Yes'"><img src="game1.jpg" /></if>

for each game.