View Full Version : Additional Usergroups

08-05-2011, 02:49 PM
I'm having a problem where I have setup differen't forums with differen't forum permissions

group a is the primary
group b and c is the secondary

I have differen't forum groups for group a,b, and c.

user a has group A privelages wiht additional of c.

but user a cant see the forum intended for group c. If i change the forum permissions it will work, but i believe this is not how the additional usergroup system was intended design.

Does anybody have a clue why the dude with group a privelages with additional groups of c cant see group c forums????

08-05-2011, 08:08 PM
Your explanation is quite vague...

Additional usergroups and permissions work with "Yes" and "No".

Yes always overrides No, regardless if the group is primary or additional. You would need to set proper permissions for the usergroup first.

08-06-2011, 06:10 AM
Group A
Group B
Group C

All have differen't forums.
All can only see their own forum.

If i want to give somebody an ADDITIONAL USERGROUP which allows then to see GROUP C it does not work. If group C's forum permissions says that group A can not see it, returns true even with additional usergroups.. its freaking annoying.. any fixes????